Progression: Unit Evaluation


B1: Progression has been an enriching experience that has bolstered my competence for informing my choices going forward in my educational and work life. It has provided me with many oppurntities to produce professional materials that I can then use practically in my working life. I feel like I have learned a lot from this unit - I have developed a lot of transferable skills such as communication, presentation, and time management. 

Career Research:

I began this by researching career opportunities within the industry. I feel like in completing this has furthered my understanding going forward in choosing my career options. In researching university options I have applied for UCAS and have received offers. Studying this subject matter further informed my choices in choosing which course I should study at university - through researching what skills and qualifications I will need for certain roles. 

Prior to studying this unit, I was considering studying apprenticeships. However, post-conducting this research, I have decided that university would be more suitable for me.

I then discussed my inspirations. I feel like learning about those whom have inspired me and how they got to where they currently are in industry has been useful as it has helped me to inform my choices in a means to replicate positive attributes displayed by these people. For example I learnt that through Hunter S Thompson writing for Rolling Stone as a Column journalist he gained many devoted fans that had not read his previous work. This is useful as it has taught me the principle of, as a Journalist, attaching oneself to an existing brand/media outlet is a good way to garner an audience for other works.

As to inform my knowledge about building a brand identity, I researched in to digital profiles. This was very informative and helped me understand how to orient my online discourse in order to maintain professionalism as well as how to display a portfolio on online platforms. 

We conducted a mock interview with our lecturer, in order for us to be prepared for interviews in employment and university applications. We received feedback which is always an effective way to improve. 

In conjunction with my UCAS application, I wrote a personal statementI wrote a CV. 

As to further enrich my brand identity I designed a logo. I also created a Business Card and designed a website. These tasks have been useful as these are all things I can use outside of my curricular activites.

I completed a CDF Placement at A Love Supreme.

I created a Showreel and then upon receiving feedback I made improvements.


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