Progression: Showreel Improvements:

Showreel reflections:

Upon receiving feedback from the first draft of my showreel I have made improvements and created a new version of my showreel based on this feedback.

What changes will I make for the second rendition of my showreel?

Upon reflection I realised that I had left out many key elements that should have been included in my initial draft of the showreel, such as my previous video-graphical projects that I had completed in my first year of college. In the initial draft I included much photography that while useful in it's own right didn't accurately portray the work I had completed within my time studying Creative Media Practice. I had also ran in to issues concerning audio in the rendering process of my initial showreel - with it not having audio despite me including it in my timeline on Premiere Pro whilst creating it. This was brought to my attention after I had already received feedback from my initial draft. I will make sure to include audio in the next rendition of my showreel.

Adjustments to existing footage:

Upon reflecting on my video graphical efforts that I had completed in year 1 of Creative Media Practice, I came across an interview that I had conducted as part of my 'Culture in the Digital Age' project, which was presented in the format of a documentary. This interview was conducted with Lloyd Morgan and Luca Cilliberti - both producers for North East based independent music label, Fortunato 35. In this interview we discussed the accessibility of music in the digital age and how this has helped them create and release music for their label. 

I am very happy with how this interview turned out and think it would be useful to have in my showreel as it displays a variety of transferable skills such as professional practice, in interview conduct, as well as my video-graphical skills in the montage that is set between interview segments. Something I noticed upon rewatching this however is that the audio levels are inconsistent throughout.

 In order to remedy this I loaded the footage in to Premiere Pro to mix the audio to make sure the interview and montage segments are at similar levels of volume. I used the cutting tool to segment the footage in to sections, separating the interview segments and montage segments respectively.

As can be seen by this screenshot of the timeline in Premiere Pro, the audio levels across the timeline are widely inconsistent. 

Showreel: Rendition 1:

Showreel: Rendition 2:

Footage used - Instructional Video: 'Ollie 101', Culture in the Digital Age: 'Fortunato 35 Interview', Misc Footage of Tom Daly playing guitar.

In this rendition of my showreel, as requested per my feedback: I included music as well as including video-graphical content from my projects at college. Upon reflecting on footage that I had gathered from the 'Culture in the Digital Age' 

I used the cutting tool to separate the sections of the clip I wanted to use.

to separate the music from the video - I used the Unlink the audio from the video.


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